Our service offers one of the latest and most revolutionary facial treatments available – the Carbon Laser Facial. This advanced treatment delivers powerful results using the power of intense pulsed light alongside activated carbon molecules. Carbon Laser Facial treatment is an innovative way to reduce deepl-seated impurities from our skin. Not only can it address problems such as acne, blackheads and age spots, but our customers have also reported that it noticeably tightens pores, evens out skin tone, and smoothens fine lines – all in just a single session!
Carbon Laser Facial North Vancouver
Carbon laser facial treatment
Carbon laser treatment
Carbon Laser Facial Service in 4Dskin Clinic
Carbon laser treatment is an innovative skincare technology that offers significant results in a short amount of time. It works by applying a layer of activated carbon on the face which absorbs excess sebum and any impurities, including dirt, oil, makeup residue, and other particles from the surface of the skin. The laser then works on this layer, targeting bacteria and dead cells from the pores to give a deep cleanse. This leaves your skin feeling cleansed and refreshed. Additionally, it helps reduce pore size, fades dark spots and pigmentation, reduces fine lines, promotes moisture retention, and evens out skin tone for a smoother complexion. Carbon laser treatments are becoming increasingly popular for those looking for fast results with minimal downtime.

What is carbon laser treatment for?

Carbon laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure sending pulses of light energy directly onto the skin. The special frequency of the pulsed light is absorbed by activated carbon which penetrates deep into the dermis layer of your skin to target unwanted pigmentation, including freckles and age spots. Benefits of this innovative laser treatment include improvement in skin texture, evenness of color and overall skin tone, as well as decreased appearance of wrinkles and lines. Carbon laser treatment can be done in just minutes with no downtime or recovery needed – ideal for those who want subtle rejuvenation without having to worry about taking time off work. It can be used on some body parts such as face and neck, but also hands and bikini area for flawless looking results.
Carbon laser facial in Vancouver
Get the most advanced skincare treatment available with our carbon laser facial in Vancouver! Our state-of-the-art procedure has been tested and proven to reduce acne, smooth wrinkles, and give you a glowing complexion. Come visit our clinic today to start your journey towards clearer skin and a more youthful look. We are proud to be providing our treatment in Vancouver and our specially-trained technicians use advanced laser technology to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, enlarged pores, and skin pigmentation. Whether you want to treat acne or even out your complexion, our Carbon Laser Facial can help!
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